Me-go: Around-the-World

Saying Goodbye


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My parents had a small going away dinner for me with my closest relatives. It was good to see them before I leave—all of my cousin?s kids will be so grown up when I get back. Tomorrow is my last day to get things together and pack. I feel like there?s so much to do but I don?t know how you can ever really feel prepared for a trip like this.

The site is nearly finished at this point, I have been having a little trouble with the formatting of the gallery section which I hope to get done before I leave for Japan. To test the system I posted a few photos I took recently at Chicago?s new Millennium Park.

3 responses to “Saying Goodbye”

  1. Mike Pugh Avatar
    Mike Pugh

    You go, Megan!

    Congratulations on building a beautiful site and getting an ambitious project off the ground.

    You’ve embarked on what I’m sure will be the greatest year of your life. The most educational year too — a trip like yours is a journey through peoples’ lives. From the looks of your route, it?ll be a fascinating and eye-opening odyssey.

    I look forward to traveling with you every step of the way. Vicariously, that is.

    Be well. Eat street food. Trust strangers. Be cautious. Face fears. Smile. Have the time of your life. Go, go, go!

  2. John Vieceli Avatar
    John Vieceli


    The site looks great! Still bummed there will be no videos but the photos look great. I will be following religiously. Hey I’m wondering if you can do me a favor while you’re in Japan. Find a hole-in-the-wall sushi joint. Order a warm saki. Savor a couple of spicy tuna rolls. Then pick up the closest karoke mike and throw down a West Dundee version of Carl Douglas’s Kung Fu Fighting. It’s a crowd pleaser! Trust me.

  3. Kimberley Avatar

    I’m so excited for you, even though it was hard to walk away and say goodbye at the airport!!!

    I’m sure by now you’ve landed (I need to put a reminder to myself of the time difference between CA and wherever it is that you are.) Hopefully it isn’t TOO hot and humid (a friend of mine who lived in Japan for 3 years said, “Oh, she’s there now?”)

    I love your website, it is so great!!! Please post often!