Me-go: Around-the-World

The Little Things


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Things I Miss From Asia

  • Markets
  • Fresh, cheap, good fruit
  • People smiling
  • Two people carrying one bag
  • People telling me I?m beautiful
  • People yelling ?I love you? from moving vehicles
  • Water Buffaloes
  • Pop in glass bottles
  • Knowing that the hair in my food is mine because it?s not black
  • Taking photos
  • Motorbike taxis
  • Making decisions day-to-day
  • Arriving in a new town
  • Reading maps
  • Riding local buses
  • Meeting new people
  • Lack of media saturation
  • Not knowing what?s going on in the world
  • Getting up early for good reasons (like the sunrise)
  • Not knowing what time/day/month it is
  • Wearing sandals
  • Knowing that it will be clear and sunny every day
  • Brooms
  • Pineapple shakes
  • Street vendors and food stalls
  • Well-behaved children

Things I Don?t Miss From Asia

  • Plastic bag litter
  • People spitting
  • People flinging their snot
  • Packing my bag
  • Bargaining
  • No fixed prices
  • Foreigner prices
  • Clothes that are too small for me
  • Being asked where I?m from
  • Being told ?America is #1?
  • People telling me I?m beautiful
  • Mosquitoes
  • Sweating
  • Doing math to convert currencies
  • Taking photos
  • Dirty feet
  • Dodging touts, drivers and money changers
  • Learning the same phrases in a new language every three weeks
  • BBC World News
  • Counterfeit everything
  • Paying more for visas because I?m American
  • Being called ?Madam?
  • Lying about being alone, where I?m staying etc.
  • Drinks in plastic bags
  • Papaya
  • Trying to explain why America reelected Bush

Things I Had to Get Used To Upon My Return

  • Receipts
  • Tax
  • Driving
  • Speed limits
  • Price tags
  • Eating with a fork
  • Cutting food
  • Handing people things with my left hand
  • Sports coverage
  • Local news
  • Low humidity
  • Putting toilet paper in the toilet
  • Not hoarding small bills
  • Socks