Me-go: Around-the-World

New Route Maps


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One of the suggestions given to me was to increase the readability of the maps in the “route” section of the site. Sometimes, because I know exactly where I was and which route I took, I forget that most people don’t even know where countries like Myanmar are. Now the “route” section includes a detail of Asia as well of very specific route maps of each country I traveled in. If you visit the route link here and scroll down to the new map of Asia you will see the country links. Each link opens a pop-up window. Please take a look at the individual maps. They contain an image of my route with designations for the type of transportation used as well as a list of travel dates and times. I think this information will be beneficial to others planning a trip as well as anyone who is curious how long it took me to get from Bagan, Myanmar to Monywa, Myanmar (7 hours) or how I did it (Horse cart, boat, rickshaw, open-sided bus).

On a completely different note, I thought I would post a photo of a 7-11 44 ounce Super Big Gulp for my foreign readers. As you can see, it’s bigger than my head. This isn’t the biggest fountain drink available in America… that’s the 64 ounce Double Gulp!

2 responses to “New Route Maps”

  1. pat johnson Avatar
    pat johnson

    Thanks for contacting Grannies on Safari! We will definitely be in touch about some travel ideas and explorations.
    Pat Johnson
    One of the Grannies on Safari

  2. pismire Avatar

    Such a late comment after a post, but I just have to say, “Lovin’ the look you’re givin’ that big gulp!”