Me-go: Around-the-World

Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger!


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The other day I ordered a cheeseburger and fries for take away. Why would anyone want me to eat this much cheeseburger? Almost as disturbing is my impression of a 12 year old in the above photo. I’m beginning to think I will look like a kid even after age 30.

4 responses to “Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger!”

  1. chup Avatar

    Hi Megan.. when will u be travelling again?

  2. Vero and Eddy Avatar
    Vero and Eddy

    Hi Megan I saw your question about Mrauk U on a travel forum. We were there last month. Our post are in french but photos are universal.

  3. melissa Avatar

    Hi Megan. Been awhile since I passed by here. That photo is so funny… and by the way that’s the thing I noticed in the US, everything is served in huge portions. I’ve had cheeseburgers that could have turned bad and eaten me first, haha!

  4. Rich Avatar

    Great site. One of the best ones I’ve seen regarding traveling. I’m actually putting together the details for my RTW trip. I’m taking a sabbatical for a year from my job in NY. Planning on leaving the week between Xmas and New Years. First stop: Cape Town (making the adjustment easy).