Me-go: Around-the-World

August in Chicago


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I am in the process of slowly updating this site, as you can tell from the route maps and budget additions. Now is the time for anyone to speak up and give suggestions on what should be added. Are there obvious questions I haven’t answered in the FAQ? Is something on the site confusing? Let me know.

I promise that sometime before I leave to travel again I will have the Thailand and Myanmar stories up. Honestly, most of the hold up is my laziness and continually changing concept of time. I’m still excited for the summer to start, when in fact it’s almost over! The excuse I give myself is that I have no room left on my server to host the videos I took in Myanmar. The videos aren’t Oscar-worthy, but they do provide a short glimpse into everyday life there. I hope you look forward to them.

On the more mundane side of things, I’ve started taking two fashion design classes. I took the prerequisites way back in 2002 and thought now was a great time to bone up on my pattern making skills. I have 15 hours of class time a week plus homework and open labs. Wednesdays I’m at school from 8:30am – 10pm. On the plus side, I am slowly becoming a better sewer and can use my school ID to get into movies for $5.50 ($4 off)!

In addition to school, I’ve been working on some Halloween costumes for friends, bookbinding and working as a freelance designer. This week alone I spent three solid days cleaning out my dad’s garage. I filled four large garbage bins with scrap metal, old rags and bits and pieces of unidentifiable junk. My father owned 5 mallets, over 50 screwdrivers, 3 handheld power sanders, 4 power drills and one large rusty steel I-beam. When I was cleaning up before he died he got mad at me for trying to throw away a 5′ long doll rod. I called it trash and he called it “a perfectly good doll rod.” He’d die all over again if he saw the garbage cans filled with his scraps. I even found a small pocket calendar from 1974. We moved into this house in 1979!

I found over 50 screwdrivers. // What is this?

These shelves were completely full. // I have some dusting to do.

Pile of power tools. // Tools, tools, tools.

This post has rambled a bit, but please send any suggestions my way. Feel free to drop a comment here or send me an email.