Me-go: Around-the-World

Taj Takes


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Because I check email every other day I usually don’t call home as much as my mom would like. Using Skype has really helped with the costs, even if I sometimes sound like a robot. When I called home before leaving Delhi my mom had one request: photos of Agra. I hope you can stomach a lot of pictures of The Taj Mahal, mom. Here you go. The Khajuraho gallery is up too, if you can stand to look at more temples.

7 responses to “Taj Takes”

  1. Han Solo Avatar
    Han Solo
  2. megan Avatar

    I don’t think that’s something that makes you uncultured. I asked the guy at this internet place and he says he thinks it’s “Anuma.” That’s how it sounded as he said it, but I’m not sure how it’s spelled.

    Ganesh is the elephant-faced god and he brings luck so people like him a lot. Shiva’s painted blue and it all over too. Hindu Gods are tricky, they take sometimes hundreds of forms and have interconnected relationships. Hanuman is the Monkey god—I know how you feel about monkeys. Ganesh is my favorite. He’s so snuggly!

  3. Lucas Avatar

    I only know the ones that have been mentioned on the simpsons.

  4. Megan Avatar

    Considering how big of a Simpsons fan Han is, I’m surprised to hear he doesn’t know more Hindu Gods!

  5. Han Solo Avatar
    Han Solo

    Ganesh was on the Simpsons. “Ganesh is graceful! You are not Ganesh!” But never Anuma.

  6. Megan Avatar

    Well, I’m not sure about Anuma. Generally most Indians I have met tell me inncorrect information—wether about the train schedule or when giving directions I now expect to be lied to. So perhaps some Googling is in your future!

  7. Divya Avatar

    Just happened to land at your blog while searching for India. Nice blog….and I can relate to everything I have read so far.

    Just curious – how did you manage to capture the Taj Mahal without the million or so visitors?