Me-go: Around-the-World

Desert Holiday


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After some peaceful time wandering around the crumbling walls of Jaislamer’s yellow fort I’m finally ready to head out into the desert. Sui, whom I met in Lhasa way back in October, has just arrived in town and will be the only person I know in our 3-day, 2-night camel trek group. We’ve crossed paths enough (Tibet, Kathmandu & Pokhara Nepal, Varanasi & Delhi India) to know that we travel well together in spurts—she appreciates my bluntness and I enjoy watching her enthusiastic arguments with the locals.

I also know that she can get extremely grumpy when she doesn’t get a shower every day. Our tour operator has promised to find some local water in the villages so she can wash her hair, which is really in the best interest of the entire group. Shower or not, I will be waking up Christmas morning on a sand dune in the desert and trotting back to Jaislamer on the back of a camel while my family opens presents in Chicago.

During Phase 1 I spent Christmas in Vientiane, Laos eating expensive Italian food and staying a hotel room with a TV. When you’re away from home the holidays can pass without much fanfare. Without the usual prompting from retailers it’s easy to completely miss some holidays altogether. So, wether you’re crossing a desert this week like me or just crossing a vast parking lot to get to the mall for last-minute gifts have a wonderful holiday!

11 responses to “Desert Holiday”

  1. Eva Avatar

    You have a great holiday too!! Make a sand angel in the dunes!!!

  2. Megan Avatar

    Thanks, Eva, and think good thoughts for my sister making it out of Denver. Last I heard she was still snowed in.

  3. Dis Avatar

    Merry Christmas, Megan! We miss you…

  4. Han Solo Avatar
    Han Solo

    Happy Holidays to you!!! I hope Santa brings you chocolate and Diet Coke!

  5. Nina Avatar

    Hey Megan,
    It’s good to hear that you are doing well. Ced & I wish you a Merry Xmas.

  6. Lisa Avatar

    Merry Christmas Megan! Hopefully I will get in to be with mom and Jason, I don’t think I’ll really know until I get to the airport. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to sleep in your bed and unpack some of your clothes to wear while I’m there. 😉 Enjoy the warm weather, considering I am going to go shovel 3 feet of snow, that’s the best Christmas present ever!

  7. Dennis Avatar

    Greetings Megan – wishing you a Merry Christmas – my brother is also stranded in Denver so we won’t get to see him – we are having a family get-together in New Orleans – love following your blog and adventures – you should publish a book when you finally return home – I would buy the first autographed copy!

    Your cousin Dennis

  8. Lucas Avatar

    Wish I was getting a camel for christmas 🙁

  9. Kimberley Avatar

    Merry Christmas Megan. No matter how fun my Monday is, yours sounds much more exciting!!! Have a wonderful time!

  10. chup Avatar

    merry xmas =D

  11. Megan Avatar

    Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I woke up on top of a sand dune and looked to my left to see a bright orange sun rising through a blue mist. The camel ride was very tiring on Christmas and I could have done without day #3. But when I got back to town I had chocolate cake and a diet coke so all was well!

    A special message to Lisa: Stay out of my closet! You may borrow the DVDs I mailed home from China but do not touch my sweaters.