Me-go: Around-the-World

Everywhere is Going Nowhere


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Hi loyal readers, long time no see! I have been incredibly busy the last few months and my intended posts are piling up. I did receive an email yesterday that should be of interest to the travelers reading this. Everywhere Magazine has been put on “hold.” Although my article on the national parks of Madagascar didn’t make it in what will be the last issue, I was asked to write a caption of one of my photos and was told it was already placed in the layout. I am not sure if it will still be appearing in issue #4, I’ll let you know once I hear anything. It’s unfortunate that this magazine, which let regular travelers participate in the publishing industry, couldn’t make it.

Below is the email I received from Everywhere yesterday:

To the Everywhere Community,

Launching a travel magazine was always an ambitious undertaking, but 8020 Publishing is committed to the idea of creating beautiful publications that combine the vitality of the Web with the richness of print. You made it possible for us to produce four terrific issues of Everywhere, but sadly we must now suspend publication of the magazine.

Why? At the end of the day, we just aren’t where we need to be, business-wise, with the website or magazine. Suspending publication of Everywhere will enable 8020 Publishing to focus on improving the community platform behind JPG Magazine, 8020’s other title. That, in turn, will benefit all the future titles 8020 plans to produce.

In the meantime, the Everywhere website at will remain online so you can continue to share your travel stories and photos. If you subscribed to Everywhere, you will be contacted in the upcoming weeks with information about refund options. Selected contributors for our upcoming issue, Issue 04, will be contacted later this week with their payment information.

It goes without saying that this is a disappointing turn of events. Most of all, though, I can’t tell you how much we enjoyed having the opportunity to collaborate with so many intrepid travelers, wonderful writers, and talented photographers. It’s been a privilege working with you all, and we had a ton of fun along the way. You’ve inspired us, entertained us, awed us, and given us an incurable case of wanderlust. Thank you.

Best wishes,

Everywhere Magazine

2 responses to “Everywhere is Going Nowhere”

  1. meganl Avatar

    This is a real shame, I received the same email the other day (particularly disappointed as it was also the only magazine I had a subscription to!).

    It was a gorgeous magazine, and such a great idea, it’s disappointing that there obviously isn’t a large enough community to sustain it.

    Congratulations on having your photograph included in the next issue by the way – hopefully the hard copy of the magazine will make it to my mailbox in Sydney before they cancel my subscription.

  2. Megan Avatar

    It is a shame. I am surprised they are continuing the JPG Magazine instead, which is one I figure would have much more competition. It highlights the fact that the backpacker set is a hard market to crack. Fewer people read print media (I read two printed newspapers a day!) and many no longer value creative content enough to pay for it.

    I already received my check but not the magazine yet. I can’t wait to see it, even if it’s a tiny photo!