It always seems to come down to money when people are planning their own RTW trips. I still get a lot questions about my travel expenses and a lot of new readers end up here via a link about budgeting. A Vagablogging writer has included my budget in his recent article titled “How much does it cost? A sneak peek at two vagabonds? budgets.” Although I know my budget generates a lot of interest I like to think the rest of the site provides even more inspiration and advice for the would-be RTW traveler.
He writes:
Another helpful set of real-world numbers comes from Megan, who has a very similar breakdown of country and daily expenses as well as notes about her budget. Megan ended up spending about $31,000 in 22 months of traveling.
I’m not sure I would say I spent “$31,000 in 22 months of traveling.” Technically, yes, but that covers two trips so the costs are higher than if I spent 22 months continuously traveling. Each time you take a break between trips you set yourself up for more costs like new gear and vaccinations, not to mention the additional cost of long haul flights that you might not have taken.
If you’d like to see the other RTW travel budgets he links to you can read the entire article here. The main reason I created my budget page was to provide a resource that didn’t exist when I was planning my first trip. Way back in 2003 travel blogs weren’t so common and people willing to track expenses (and share them with the world) even less so. I’m glad that its become a resource for the travel community even if the prices are a bit out of date.