Me-go: Around-the-World

Could You Live off Groupons for a Year?


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Whenever my friends or family come across crazy schemes they always forward them to me. I must be up for adventure since I managed to travel around-the-world solo twice, right? The newest thing to come across my inbox is Groupon’s Live off Groupon for an Entire Year promotion. Groupons are coupons for a service or product that you can buy once a certain number of people also agree to buy that day. The way it works is you sign up with Groupon and receive a daily email with the Groupon being offered that day. Something different is offered every day for only one day and enough people must buy the Groupon for everyone to get it.

I’ve been a member of Groupon for a few months and have a good idea of what services and products are offered. The only thing I’ve purchased so far is $25 of food and drinks at a nearby Mexican restaurant for $10. I imagine that every city where Groupon operates is different but living solely on Groupons would be a challenge. Without friends or family to support you, finding a place to stay might be tough but if there’s anyone who could live day-to-day and work the system its me.

The position requires you to give up all money and possessions, including your home, for the entire year. The more I think about it, the easier I can see how I could get my hands on a camera and clothes with Groupons. Timing would be important and I would probably take a planner’s route???buying what I could for the following week. I would certainly eat at much more expensive restaurants, stay at better hotels and have better looking nails than normal if I was relying on Groupon’s vendors. The first issue that I thought of was travel???I haven’t seen flight or bus deals on Groupon in the past. Would I rely on hitchhiking, rideshares, friends or could I find a Groupon for a bike to get me across the United States?

The application rules are fuzzy and I’m not sure if you need to be a US citizen. All I know is that I am not the perky 23 year-old they’re certainly looking for so I probably won’t waste my time putting a video together. Would you give it a go? Click the link above to apply yourself.

2 responses to “Could You Live off Groupons for a Year?”

  1. Jay Avatar

    Hi Megan!
    It’s been a little while since I visited your website (been a bit busy with work). I had emailed you a while back asking a few questions about planning a RTW trip given your wealth of knowledge and expereince. (Thanks again for that help!) Anyway, I was just wondering how things are going now after being firmly resettled back in US. I know in your posts you explained that you went to freelance work instead of back to the “8 to 7” schedule that designers usually have, so I’m just curious what you’re doing now and how your travels have changed your life. I’m sure you’re busy, but if you have a few minutes I’d love to hear a little about these things. And yes, I’m still working towards my RTW trip – the economic downturn just delayed my original plans.

  2. Megan Avatar


    I emailed you back a while ago but didn’t realize I never replied here. Hopefully you got the information you wanted! A few emails like yours have come in over the past year???maybe its time to put together an honest post about readjustment to normal life. I held back on a lot of that since I was unsure what my next move was.