Me-go: Around-the-World

A Beautiful Wall Map to Chart Your Adventures


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All of my life I’ve loved looking at maps. I spent hours growing up pouring over the pages of National Geographic or the huge reference atlas at the library. After I started traveling I started coveting a large wall map to pin the locations I’ve been on???maybe even using colored thread to show my routes. More recently I’ve been thinking about drawing a map myself for this exact purpose and a design studio named You and Me, The Royal We has created a beautiful map similar to what I’ve envisioned. I’m always glad when these things pop up to remind me to start working on all of those projects I’ve thought of but never quite started. {via SwissMiss}

2 responses to “A Beautiful Wall Map to Chart Your Adventures”

  1. Tom Volpe Avatar
    Tom Volpe

    I’m completely with you on the maps, I’ve always loved them too. I would like to collect antique maps one day but at the moment that would interrupt my travel budget!

    What inspired you to study in Newcastle? That’s my home town, not a place I thought was that well known internationally though?

    1. Megan Avatar

      There was no real inspiration for Newcastle, Tom. My U.S. university offered about 8 options in the UK and only 2 were descent for graphic design???Newcastle being the best. London was just too expensive!