Me-go: Around-the-World

Where I Slept: Dunhuang, China – Lhasa, Tibet


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Train to Lhasa Tibet

Dunhuang, China – Lhasa, Tibet | 18 October, 2006 | $31.41 ($12.41 overnight sleeper bus, $19 train)

A year ago this site was hacked and the Where I Slept series went on hiatus. I’ve decided to resurrect it where I left off last year, on my way across China into Tibet. After a nearly sleepless night on the train to Dunhuang, and another sleepless night on a sleeper bus to Golmund I finally got a chance to sleep on the Tibetan plateau. My original post has a few more details about the long ride.

If you’re new around here, old Where I Slept entries can be found here under the “Where I Slept” category.