Me-go: Around-the-World

An Amazing Race?


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In college everyone would go on and on about how I should be on MTV’s The Real World. Of course, this is back when the show was cast with average-looking but interesting people. I don’t fit the mold of a Real World-er anymore, but ever since The Amazing Race came out I consistently hear about how perfect I would be for the show. When I tell people I’ve never seen The Amazing Race they stop for a second and get a confused look on their face. But I love travel, I travel a lot, I even travel to exotic places where they eat fried spiders, alone… on public transportation! How could I not watch the show?

I finally gave in and watched the first two episodes of the new season. Although it’s interesting to see the places they go to I don’t think that it has much at all to do with travel. There have been some instances when navigation has come into play but overall the show is about quickly completing tasks—it just happens that these tasks are in foreign countries. There’s little interaction with locals so far and, to me, navigating social and cultural differences on the road is much harder than pole vaulting over a muddy ditch.

What are your views on The Amazing Race? Does anyone watch it and feel differently? With a little more work in the gym I think I could do well on the show. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from travel it’s that you have to hit a donkey with a stick to get it to run!

11 responses to “An Amazing Race?”

  1. Nancy Avatar

    I have watched the show in the past. I think you are right about it focusing on tasts and getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible. I think you would do well, except you have to do the Amazing Race with someone.Could you see yourself doing the show with one of your family? Just curious!

  2. Jeffrey Avatar

    TAR used to be my favorite reality show but I’ve outgrown it.Meg,I agree with you that it’s lacking a “human” touch.But still it’s kinda inspirational to watch them go to all those exotic places while imagine one day yourself can go as well.

  3. dis Avatar

    If you were on the show, you may have a slight advantage in terms of getting through the airports and wrangling public transportation, getting locals to help you, etc.

    Personally, I could never do the show: some of the challenges are too bizarre (how much weird stuff do I have to eat?), and it seems like the contestants don’t get much time to enjoy all the countries they’re visiting. Not to mention the stress; I’d be a total bitch to my partner.

  4. Lucas Avatar

    haven’t seen it

  5. Claudia Cavazos Avatar
    Claudia Cavazos

    Eventhough I’ve never watched the show, I’ve heard from others that it would be awesome to do.
    Megan, it would be a fun experience if u were to do it. Like ur fans have said, u’ll know a lot of the in’s/out’s, which obviously would be a big advantage. You’ve dealt with language barriers and have gotten thru diff. circumstances that have made you one tough cookie : )

    PS—if you need a partner, keep me in mind please. I would LOVE to do that race! I’ve now started to get myself into ADVENTRE RACING here in Texas and tomorrow is my first race!
    Pura Vida,

  6. Stacy from WA Avatar
    Stacy from WA

    Once they get away from the “USA-like” countries (i.e. Europe) it gets more interesting. I believe they go to Bukina Faso this week. The show is more about the people than the places nowadays. The earlier seasons are far better. Although really liked last season. Don’t lose faith yet!

    Sometimes they pick the most obnoxious, ignorant people that make me want to throw something at my TV. Colin and Christie (I can’t remember what season) are a prime example. In Ethiopia, Christie remarked, “They just keep breeding and breeding” in a very disgusted tone when they were surrounded by kids in their car. It’s these type of people that should be forbidden from leaving the US.

  7. Stacy from WA Avatar
    Stacy from WA

    Burkina Faso not Bukina Faso my typo

  8. Megan Avatar

    I could probably do the race with my sister although she’s shorter than me so that wouldn’t have helped int eh pol vaulting task.

    It is inspirational to see those places. I’m curious how they eat and how much alone time they have on the road. Obviously the air tickets must be reserved in advance to control the outcome of those legs. Most people probably don’t care about money management on the road though.

    I think I could deal with the stress. I perform better and faster under stressful situations. But I can’t eat anything gross and am not a strong swimmer or runner.

    What is this adventure racing you speak of?

    I’m embarrassed to think of how they must come off to people in non-Western places. Poor Ethiopians! The rest of the world has such a slow pace of life by comparison. All I ever heard in Zanzibar was “hey lady, pole pole!” which mean “slowly, slowly.”

  9. donna Avatar

    hey megan, i know i prolly should’ve commented on your blog sooner, but nothing gets me riled up more than the subject of donkeys.

    one thing that i know about donkeys for sure is that you shouldn’t look at them while you’re trying to lead them. horses are the same.

    i will work on my walking across mud in snowshoes blindfolded skills, and then we will be perfect to go on the show together.

    if i were designing a challenge for ‘the amazing race’ to show real-life travel challenges, i’d ask the contestants to find an atm anywhere outside europe or australia(excluding airports) that works reliably with an american bank card and then find a ride from a cab driver who can make change for the crazy large bills that this elusive machine has just dispensed to them.

    next, they would have to find a free public toilet that is not in a mc donald’s. they should get extra points for carrying their own toilet paper.

    also, i’m coming back to chicago soon and we should totally hang out. email me sometime.

    phil’s friend, donna
    (secretly rooting for the goths)

  10. jeff Avatar

    Is that a US show? I dont think we get it over here in the UK! We have the real world but its not very big. Big Brother is the big reality TV show here, and x-factor (american idle to you guys)

  11. Megan Avatar

    Let me know when you’re in town. I just went to the mustache bash and thought you might be around.

    The Amazing Race is a US show but I thought it had been copied in other countries. Here’s a link to the official site but sometimes US networks block international web surfers from watching content on their sites. Give it a try though. I remember Big Brother being big in England. We have it in the US but, besides the first year, it isn’t popular at all. Survivor is still around but I haven’t watched in years. And I like bands, not singers, so I’ve never watched American Idol which is probably the most popular reality show.

    I’m not sure if the UK has as many reality shows as the US. It’s gotten out of control… d-list celebrities looking for “love”, a family of little people, a town of children left alone in the desert, mother daughter beauty pageants…