Me-go: Around-the-World

Best & Worst


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If you think of something else you’d like added here drop me a line in the comments. I haven’t sorted out money details so I can’t tell you how much I spent on anything quite yet.

  • Days gone: 185
  • Countries visited: 7
  • Photographs taken: 9,303
  • Average photos taken per day: 50
  • Cartwheel photographs taken: 42
  • Novels read: 16
  • Days sick: 3
  • Number of love letters received from monks: 1
  • Favorite country: Myanmar
  • Least favorite country: Vietnam
  • Place with biggest culture shock: Beijing, China
  • Place with least culture shock: Thailand (overall)
  • Biggest culture shock: Chinese people spitting everywhere
  • Surprisingly not a culture shock: Squat toilets
  • Best sights: Great Wall of China & Angkor Wat temples (Cambodia)
  • Favorite place to live: Tokyo, Japan
  • Least favorite place to live: Chengdu, China
  • Most overrated town: Vang Vieng, Laos
  • Most underrated town: Beijing, China
  • Most interesting culture: Tribal people in Myanmar, Laos & Western China
  • Least interesting culture: Thailand
  • Most sanitary country: Japan
  • Least sanitary country: China
  • Place most like how I pictured it: Bangkok, Thailand
  • Place least like how I pictured it: Xiahe, China
  • Hardest culture to understand: China
  • Best souvenirs: Kengtung, Myanmar
  • Nicest people: Myanmar
  • Meanest people: Vietnam/China (with China it’s a cultural thing)
  • Hardest country to travel in: China
  • Easiest country to travel in: Thailand
  • Worst roads: The border around China and Laos
  • Best local food: Hoi An, Vietnam
  • Worst local food: Muang Sing, Laos
  • Best hamburgers: Saigon, Vietnam
  • Best skills learned: Eating with chopsticks & bargaining with Chinese hand signals
  • Most awe-inspiring moment: Looking out over The Great Wall of China
  • Most frustrating moment: Trying to find a shirt that fits me in Xi’an, China

3 responses to “Best & Worst”

  1. melissa Avatar

    “Number of love letters received from monks: 1”
    Haha! your trip is such an adventure. How I wish I could traipse through Asia like you did. Next time come visit the Philippines, I’d like to know how you see us.

  2. vlad Avatar

    dayum, 50 photos per day?! that’s impressive. did you find that you took less photos as your trip went on? i think i took *tons* of photos in the begining of my trip, but nowadays take way less. what are cartwheel photos?

  3. Asten Avatar

    Hi there… I just found this this morning, and I’m curious to go read it now. I have traveled mostly to europe for work, but I just got back from my second trip to Beijing. I noticed you rated it ‘most underrated’ city… it really is a fun city (although, moreso on a corporate expense budget I suppose).

    Congrats on living your dream, though =)