Kashgar – Urumqi, China | 11 October, 2006 | $42.65 (high speed sleeper train)
This was my second time on this train and this time it was almost totally empty. I shared my 4-bed compartment with a middle-aged woman was quiet and courteous. She noticed I had a cold and insisted I take a few different kinds of medicine she had with her and kept giving me more food to eat. When I fell asleep on my bed during the day she tucked me in. Next door was a family with a teenage girl who spent half of the ride practicing her English with me. She was an above average English speaker compared to most people I’ve spoken to in China and we were able to communicate well enough for me to get something out of the conversation.
You can see by the price that it was an expensive train and it was in better shape than most. This track is relatively new and there are only a few stops in-between the two cities. Traversing the desert before this train existed must have been quite a journey.
2 responses to “Where I Slept: Kashgar – Urumqi, China”
Aw! Sure hope you’re feeling better!
Honestly, that’s not a bad price for a train ride you could actually sleep on. When I was on a train it was at least 70. That was without beds and food. Lol
This is such a neat blog! I’d like to follow it, but I don’t see a way to…
Be safe out there!
Thanks for the comment! I’m not on the road at the moment?just reliving my last trip. You can always follow my blog with the RSS fee here or subscribe to updates which is on the right hand column. It looks like you found that but let me know if you don’t receive the emails as I’m getting ready to switch over to a new subscription system in the near future that should be more user-friendly.