Every time I am sent to Jersey City for work I try to make the most of it, visiting Manhattan, because I never know when I’ll be back. Somehow I’ve been to New Jersey seven times this year so far but I never run out of things to see. I’ve even bought an out-of-state membership…
As it turns out, Hotlanta in January is pretty beautiful. My work required me to stay on the edges of the city in a typical business park, but I allowed myself an afternoon in the city before flying home. When I’m visiting a new city in the U.S. I do a little research but everything…
Growing up near Chicago has trained me for winter and I’m used to much more snow than we’ve been getting in recent years. What is it about this year’s winter that has everyone I know pleading for it to end? Despite the lack of snow it seems we’re well below average temperature for March. I…
My early flight home from Minneapolis yesterday morning was delayed by two hours. After a while I gave in and bought a magazine in the airport gift shop. I was halfway through before realizing I had already read it–and that I’d bought it two business trips ago. The day before I insisted I was in…
I found myself working in New Jersey twice in January this year. When I’m there I try to make it over to Manhattan for museums and shopping, but this time I visited Brooklyn for the first time. Meeting up with a friend who grew up there he laughed at the fact that I picked Williamsburg,…
I can deal with the cold temperatures, it’s the weeks without sunshine that get to me during the Chicago winter.
Despite my lack of updates, I managed to take quite a few trips this year. Only a few were non-work related but I try my best to spend a little time in each city I visit. Both St. Louis and Detroit trips were in and out in one day, but I always arrange extra time…
I may be a bit behind on my posting, Chicago’s Open Streets happened in September. Even so, I wanted to post about it because it was an interesting event. One and a half miles of Milwaukee Avenue was shut down for a good part of the day in Wicker Park. I was hoping it would…
Since I’m working this week I voted last Monday. I’m grateful that Illinois allows early voting, although I was looking forward to seeing my new polling place a few steps out my back door.
Chicago was beautiful yesterday, the trees full of yellow leaves glowing against a bright blue sky. Today is overcast and dreary, reminding me that the winter is coming. Summer in Chicago is so great that, even though I know it will end, it’s always hard to see go.
Despite my lack of travel posts around here lately, I’ve been on the road quite a bit. In September I flew to Denver to see my sister, took connecting flights both ways to Connecticut to work (and got stuck in Philly overnight) and made my way to Houston. When I’m traveling for work I take…
Less than a week to go until Meet, Plan, Go! I’ll be speaking in a breakout group at the Chicago event this time around, but there are tons of amazing and experienced travelers at all of the events. So, if you’ve ever been jealous of my trips and wondered how you could possibly travel around-the-world…
Growing up, my birthdays were rarely big celebrations. My birthday hits so close to the beginning of the school year that the classroom cupcake policy was never in place and friends weren’t reconnected with from the long summer break. As an adult I haven’t done much to celebrate other than go to my mom’s house…
I’ve spent some time testing Robin out along Chicago’s fantastic lakefront path. Here’s the view a few weeks ago where the path ends on the northside. The beaches have been officially closed since Labor Day but Chicagoans hold on to summer as long as they can.
After months of searching, comparing and test riding I finally bought my newest bike. His name is Robin and I’ve been riding him around the city, testing his speed on longer rides. When my non-biking friends heard my big news they asked what I planned to do with Francis, my cream bike. He’s not going…
You all know I love a group bike ride, especially when there’s dressing up to be had. Last year’s Seersucker ride was huge, with great turnout and Wheelmen on Penny Farthings. This year was a little different. Although last year’s ride was plagued by 100° heat, this year’s ride suffered from torrential downpours. We started…
I found myself working in a high rise last week, which gave me great views of the sunset over the Westside. The Kinzie Avenue bridge is always good for a photo op, when biking over the Chicago River in the fabulous protected bike lane. A few minutes after turning North on my way to dinner…
Last weekend was Chicago’s Air & Water Show—the most visited Chicago event of the year. Having been before, I wasn’t upset to only catch the finale before battling crowds to walk North along the lakefront.
This weekend Chicago was filled with Lollapalooza revelers from around the world. The first year I attended the new version of the festival in Grant Park it was a manageable size and seemed to draw mostly local music fans. I haven’t gone to the festival in a few years (too big, too hot, too expensive),…
I’ve spent plenty of time in Oak Park, Illinois and still have family there. Even so, I’ve never visited any of the Frank Lloyd Wright sights growing up. When a friend mentioned biking there I decided to tag along—two is better than one when riding through the rough neighborhoods separating Chicago from Oak Park. Before…